Adding Bluesky comments to your Jekyll Site
in Portfolio / Research-and-writing / Writing / Blogs
Emily and then Cory demonstrated a way to add Bluesky comments and replies to a post as comments to your blog. I tried to add it to the Hydejack site
Add this to your includes/my-scripts.html
<!-- Add this new module script -->
<script type="module">
import BlueskyComments from '';
// For Hydejack's push state
document.getElementById('_pushState').addEventListener('hy-push-state-load', function() {
const author = ''; // Replace with your Bluesky handle
if (author) {
BlueskyComments.init('bluesky-comments', {author});
Add this to your includes/my-head.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- Add this new importmap before any other scripts -->
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"react": "",
"react-dom": ""
On your markdown post, in the frontmatter replace the url and add
In the layouts/post.html add this
<div id="bluesky-comments"></div>
before this line
<hr class="dingbat related mb6" />