
The script allows you to change the shape and fill style of selected Rectangles, Diamonds, Ellipses, Lines, Arrows and Freedraw.

```javascript */ const fillStylesDispaly=[“Dots (⚠ VERY SLOW performance on large objects!)”,”Zigzag”,”Zigzag-line”, “Dashed”, “Hachure”, “Cross-hatch”, “Solid”]; const fillStyles=[“dots”,”zigzag”,”zigzag-line”, “dashed”, “hachure”, “cross-hatch”, “solid”]; const fillShapes=[“ellipse”,”rectangle”,”diamond”, “freedraw”, “line”]; const boxShapesDispaly=[“○ ellipse”,”□ rectangle”,”◇ diamond”]; const boxShapes=[“ellipse”,”rectangle”,”diamond”]; const lineShapesDispaly=[”- line”,”⭢ arrow”]; const lineShapes=[“line”,”arrow”];

let editedElements = [];

let elements = ea.getViewSelectedElements().filter(el=>boxShapes.contains(el.type)); if (elements.length>0) { newShape = await utils.suggester(boxShapesDispaly, boxShapes, “Change shape of ‘box’ type elements in selection, press ESC to skip”); if(newShape) { editedElements = elements; elements.forEach(el=>el.type = newShape); } }

elements = ea.getViewSelectedElements().filter(el=>fillShapes.contains(el.type)); if (elements.length>0) { newFillStyle = await utils.suggester(fillStylesDispaly, fillStyles, “Change the fill style of elements in selection, press ESC to skip”); if(newFillStyle) { editedElements = editedElements.concat(elements.filter(e=>!editedElements.some(el=>el.id===e.id))); elements.forEach(el=>el.fillStyle = newFillStyle); } }

elements = ea.getViewSelectedElements().filter(el=>lineShapes.contains(el.type)); if (elements.length>0) { newShape = await utils.suggester(lineShapesDispaly, lineShapes, “Change shape of ‘line’ type elements in selection, press ESC to skip”); if(newShape) { editedElements = editedElements.concat(elements.filter(e=>!editedElements.some(el=>el.id===e.id))); elements.forEach((el)=>{ el.type = newShape; if(newShape === “arrow”) { el.endArrowhead = “triangle”; } }); } }



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