
The script will standardize the sizes of rectangles, diamonds and ellipses adjusting all the elements to match the largest width and height within the group.

```javascript */ const boxShapesDispaly=[“○ ellipse”,”□ rectangle”,”◇ diamond”]; const boxShapes=[“ellipse”,”rectangle”,”diamond”];

let editedElements = [];

const elements = ea.getViewSelectedElements().filter(el=>boxShapes.contains(el.type)); if(elements.length===0) { new Notice(“No rectangle, or diamond or ellipse elements are selected. Please select some elements”); return; }

const typeSet = new Set(); elements.forEach(el=>typeSet.add(el.type));

const elementType = await utils.suggester( Array.from(typeSet).map((item) => { switch(item) { case “ellipse”: return “○ ellipse”; case “rectangle”: return “□ rectangle”; case “diamond”: return “◇ diamond”; default: return item; } }), Array.from(typeSet), “Select element types to resize” );

if(!elementType) return;

ea.copyViewElementsToEAforEditing(elements.filter(el=>el.type===elementType)); let width = height = 0; ea.getElements().forEach(el=>{ if(el.width>width) width = el.width; if(el.height>height) height = el.height; })

ea.getElements().forEach(el=>{ el.width = width; el.height = height; })

const ids = ea.getElements().map(el=>el.id); await ea.addElementsToView(false,true); ea.getExcalidrawAPI().updateContainerSize(ea.getViewElements().filter(el=>ids.contains(el.id)));

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